Amanda Chernenko
Director, Canine Health and Wellness
Professional Experience:
Since 2005, Amanda has held several jobs within the customer service relations industry which included the receipt of work orders and to ensure that the entire process was completed from beginning to end. Some of this work included working for Best Buy in the human resource department interviewing applicants and ensuring all paperwork was completed, working for a utility company scheduling and completing work orders between vendors and the utility company to ensure internet connectivity was completed in a timely manner, and working with a design company assisting customers with creating their desired design and coordinating inventory, supplies and ensuring the billing and invoices were completed appropriately.
Dog Experience:
Between 2009-2010 Amanda was a foster for another Golden Retriever Rescue in the Atlanta area and fostered about 10 puppies in a little over a year and a half. She assisted in potty training and basic obedience with these puppies while searching for their forever homes. She only stopped fostering to resume pursuing a Business Management Degree.
Between 2012-2016 Amanda participated in the Best Friends Blood Bank. Amanda’s first two goldens, Rylie and Bentlie, were blood donors for Best Friends Blood Bank. They each successfully donated over 20 times before they aged out of the program at 7 years old. This was our way to give back while Amanda was unable to volunteer in any other capacity.
In 2021 Amanda joined GRRA as a foster, then joined the medical team. She is currently serving as Director of the Medical and Foster teams. She has dedicated countless hours each week to ensure dogs get the medical care needed, appointments made, medications given/refilled and documentation is up to date.