Over the Rainbow

Dexter Saunders 10/20/2010 - 03/09/2024 lost his battle with cancer this week. Many of us in Golden Retriever Rescue knew and loved Dexter. David, a photographer for the Golden Rescues in Atlanta,  adopted Dexter on Sept 8, 2012. Dexter loved his Dad so much he never wanted him out of his sight and went with him everywhere he could. Dexter was often seen at AGA dog rescue events in his bow tie and cuffs,  and later became the dog associated with GRRA (Golden Retriever Rescue of Atlanta) as the face of their Logo, on T-shirts, calendars, notecards, etc. His story will be told when GRRA does a tribute to Dexter. Dexter loved everyone and will sadly be missed by many.Â
In memory of Dexter, you may contribute to Golden Retriever Rescue of Atlanta and help us save other great dogs like Dexter.
We all have such fond memories of Dexter being the "face" of GRRA for many years with his human, David Saunders, always behind the lens of the camera. Dexter was the perfect Golden Retriever that everyone wanted. Dexter and David were inseparable.  "Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened". In this instance, I am not sure "who saved who". Dexter will be waiting to cross the Rainbow Bridge until David joins him. Until then, run free Dexter, run free.
-Marie Cole, President of GRRA